You want to backup or restore a database but you cannot see the Drive letter even you had mapped fromo […]
Let's assume that you have created separate datafile for non-clustered indexes but you want to check them weather you had […]
SELECT NAME,NAME ‘password’FROM sys.sql_loginsWHERE Pwdcompare(NAME, password_hash) = 1UNIONSELECT NAME,‘Blank’ AS ‘password’FROM sys.sql_loginsWHERE Pwdcompare(‘ ‘, password_hash) = 1UNIONSELECT NAME,‘password123’ AS ‘password’FROM […]
This query helps you identify your tables and calculate size/rowcount ratio easily: USE [DatabaseName] -- replace your GO SELECT s.Name […]
Assume that all we know why we are using IDENTITY column in a table. It you are inserting any row […]
SQL Server için tanımlanan memory alanı ne kadar yeterli sorusuna en iyi cevabı verecek olan sorgudur. PLE özetle, cache üzerinde […]
When any connection starts the value of the SET LOCK_TIMEOUT is -1, which means that the query has to wait for […]